IronRuby Compiles Broken?

Is the IronRuby tree currently broken for compiles? I have tried
everything I can think of to get it to build and I just get:

Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.

c:\Users\ted\Desktop\IronRuby>rake compile
(in c:/Users/ted/Desktop/IronRuby)
Read in 17 resources from
Writing resource file… Done.
The command line is too long.
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [csc
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


I am running on Vista Ultimate 64bit with Visual Studio 2008
Professional. I have tried both the 32bit and 64bit command line
shortcuts and I just cannot get past “The command line is too long.”
I cannot even figure out which command line is too long. I have tried
on two different machines(both Vista Ultimate 64bit) with the same

I got the same errors yesterday. I could build it using visual studio
Mine was on vista 32-bit in both powershell and command

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Ivan Porto C.
[email protected] wrote:

I got the same errors yesterday. I could build it using visual studio
Mine was on vista 32-bit in both powershell and command

Wow, I sure was overlooking the obvious. I have been fighting this
since the weekend, trying to figure out what was wrong. I was reading
your book and have been trying to build with your instructions in the
first chapter and I totally missed the solution file.

Great to hear somebody is reading it :slight_smile:

Thanks I’ll add it to the first chapter that you can also build it using
visual studio. I guess by the time ironruby releases I’ll just replace
section with a how to download the binaries :wink: