AttachmentFu Reprocess all assets

Hey all,

I am about to embark on reprocessing approx 100k user photos with new
dimensions that a site redesign has called for. We used AttachmentFu
and have stored the originals in case this ever came up. I don’t see
anything built directly in AttachmenFu and was planning to write some
rake tasks to do this myself, but figured it was worth a shot to find
out if anybody else had to do this and wanted to share any
pointers/code. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!


Robby R.
Chief Evangelist, Partner

design // development // hosting
aim: planetargon

+1 503 445 2457
+1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
+1 815 642 4068 [fax]

Hi Robbie-

I am about to embark on reprocessing approx 100k user photos with new
dimensions that a site redesign has called for. We used AttachmentFu
and have stored the originals in case this ever came up. I don’t see
anything built directly in AttachmenFu and was planning to write some
rake tasks to do this myself, but figured it was worth a shot to find
out if anybody else had to do this and wanted to share any
pointers/code. :slight_smile:

Your post at
saved my ass a few days ago, when I was setting up a new Macbook Pro.
So, now, I’m really happy to have the chance to pay you back :slight_smile:

We faced the same situation as you (though with fewer than 100K images,
I must say), and I wrote code to rehash all the existing images to the
new thumbnail sizes. You’ll find it at

In our case, we were using S3 for image storage, and I had to insert the
sleep at line 12 to avoid freaking S3 out, but, if you’re using local
file storage, it shouldn’t be necessary.

Hope that helps-


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Danny B.
[email protected] wrote:

Your post at
saved my ass a few days ago, when I was setting up a new Macbook Pro.

Glad to hear that my post helped you. :slight_smile:

So, now, I’m really happy to have the chance to pay you back :slight_smile:


We faced the same situation as you (though with fewer than 100K images,
I must say), and I wrote code to rehash all the existing images to the
new thumbnail sizes. You’ll find it at

In our case, we were using S3 for image storage, and I had to insert the
sleep at line 12 to avoid freaking S3 out, but, if you’re using local
file storage, it shouldn’t be necessary.

Hope that helps-

This works great. Just tested it out and it works perfectly. Now to
get ready to start reprocessing 100x x 7 variants… 700k photos!

Thanks again!


Robby R.
Chief Evangelist, Partner

design // development // hosting
aim: planetargon

+1 503 445 2457
+1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
+1 815 642 4068 [fax]