Problems redirecting from form_remote_tag


A noob question no doubt but when I use form_remote_tag to make an
AJAX call to the server I can’t make it redirect to re-render the
entire page.

So for example the below code from /controller/index.html.erb invokes
the call…

<% form_remote_tag :url => {:action => :foo} do %>

…form stuff…

<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>

<% end %>

And then a redirect from foo to index won’t work…

def foo
redirect_to :action => :index

Any thoughts?


Actually managed to fix it myself…

I found from the log that I was getting the following error:

ActionController::DoubleRenderError (Can only render or redirect once
per action):

And it seems that it was caused by the fact that I didn’t realize that
the code flow continues in the action after the redirect.

So what I didn’t show in the first message was that my action was
actually more like:

def foo
if @failed
redirect_to :action => :index # I thought the code
flow would cease here if failed
blah blah
redirect_to :action => :somewhere_else # but actually it
continues and picks up this second redirect also

Hi ginty,

ginty wrote:

I didn’t realize that the code flow continues in the
action after the redirect.

def foo
if @failed
redirect_to :action => :index # I thought the code
flow would cease here if failed
blah blah
redirect_to :action => :somewhere_else # but actually it
continues and picks up this second redirect also

To get it to cease where you thought it would, I believe you can add
return’ to your redirect. Alternatively… yep, if you don’t put the
blah…redirect_to" in an ‘else’ clause, it’ll raise an error.
