ANN: Sequel 2.6.0 Released

  • Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
    for constructing database queries and table schemas.
  • Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
    mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
  • Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
    statements, bound variables, master/slave configurations, and
    database sharding.
  • Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
    to break your teeth on SQL.
  • Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, DB2, DBI, Informix, JDBC,
    MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 2.6.0 has been released and should be available on the gem
mirrors. The 2.6.0 release adds numerous minor features and

New Features

  • Schema parsing was refactored, resulting in a huge speedup when
    using MySQL. MySQL now uses the DESCRIBE statement instead of the
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PostgreSQL now uses the pg_* system catalogs
    instead of the INFORMATION schema.

  • The schema information now includes the :primary_key field. Models
    now use this field to automatically determine the primary key for
    a table, so it no longer needs to be specified explicitly. Models
    even handle the composite primary key case.

  • The raise_on_typecast_failure switch was added, with it being true
    by default (so no change in behavior). This allows the user to
    silently ignore errors when typecasting fails, at the global, class,
    and instance levels.

    Sequel::Model.raise_on_typecast_failure = false # Global
    Artist.raise_on_typecast_failure = true # Class
    artist =
    artist.raise_on_typecast_failure = false # Instance

    Album.raise_on_typecast_failure = true>‘a’) # => raises Sequel::Error::InvalidValue
    Album.raise_on_typecast_failure = false>‘a’) # => #<Album @values={:numtracks=>“a”}>

  • Associations’ orders are now respected when eager loading via
    eager_graph. Sequel will qualify the columns in the order with
    the alias being used, so you can have overlapping columns when
    eager loading multiple associations.

    Artist.one_to_many :albums, :order=>:name
    Album.one_to_many :tracks, :order=>:number

    => … ORDER BY,, tracks.number

  • The support for CASE expressions has been enhanced by allowing the
    use of an optional expression:

    {1=>2}.case(0, :x)

    => CASE x WHEN 1 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END

    [[:a, 1], [:b, 2], [:c, 3]].case(4, :y)


    Previously, to get something equivalent to this, you had to do:


    => CASE WHEN (x = 1) THEN 2 ELSE 0 END

    [[{:y=>:a}, 1], [{:y=>:b}, 2], [{:y=>:c}, 3]].case(4)

    => CASE WHEN (y = a) THEN 1 WHEN (y = b) THEN 2 WHEN (y = c)

       THEN 3 ELSE 4 END
  • You can now change the NULL/NOT NULL value of an existing column
    using the set_column_allow_null method.

    Set NOT NULL

    DB.alter_table(:artists){set_column_allow_null :name, false}

    Set NULL

    DB.alter_table(:artists){set_column_allow_null :name, true}

  • You can now get the schema information for a table in a non-public
    schema in PostgreSQL using the implicit :schema__table syntax.
    Before, the :schema option had to be given explicitly to
    Database#schema. This allows models to get schema information for
    tables outside the public schema.

  • Transactions are now supported on MSSQL.

  • Dataset#tables now returns all tables in the database for MySQL
    databases accessed via JDBC.

  • Database#drop_view can now drop multiple views at once.

Other Improvements

  • The SQLite adapter now respects the Sequel.datetime_class option
    for timestamp and datetime columns.

  • Adding a unique constraint no longer explicity creates a unique
    index. If you want a unique index, use index :unique=>true.

  • If no language is specified when creating a full text index on
    PostgreSQL, the simple language is assumed.

  • Errors when typecasting fails are now Sequel::Error::InvalidValue
    instead of the more generic Sequel::Error.

  • Specifying constraints now works correctly for all types of
    arguments. Previously, it did not work unless a block or
    interpolated string were used.

  • Loading an association with the same name as a table in the FROM
    clause no longer causes an error.

  • When eagerly loading many_to_one associations where no objects have
    an associated object, the negative lookup is now cached.

  • String keys can now be used with Dataset#multi_insert, just like
    they can be used for Dataset#insert.

  • Dataset#join_table now generates the correct SQL when doing the
    first join to a dataset where the first source is a dataset, when
    an unqualified column is used in the conditions.

  • Cascading associations after *_to_many associations can now be
    eagerly loaded via eager_graph.

  • Eagerly loading *_to_many associations that are cascaded behind a
    many_to_one association now have their duplicates removed if a
    cartesian product join is done.

  • The SQLite adapter now uses string literals in all of the AS
    clauses. While the SQL standard specifies that identifiers should
    be used, SQLite documentation explicitly states that string
    literals are expected (though it generally works with identifiers
    by converting them implicitly).

  • Database methods that modify the schema now remove the cached
    schema entry.

  • The hash keys that Database#schema returns when no table is
    requested are now always supposed to be symbols.

  • The generation of SQL for composite foreign keys on MySQL has been

  • A schema.rdoc file was added to the documentation explaining the
    various parts of Sequel related to schema generation and
    modification and how they interact

  • The RDoc template for the website was changed from the default
    template to the hanna template.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The :numeric_precision and :max_chars schema entries have been
    removed. Use the :db_type entry to determine this information,
    if available.

  • The SQLite adapter used to always return Time instances for
    timestamp types, even if Sequel.datetime_class was DateTime. For
    datetime types it always returned a DateTime instance. It
    now returns an instance of Sequel.datetime_class in both cases.

  • It’s possible that the including of associations’ orders when eager
    loading via eager_graph could cause problems. You can use the
    :order_eager_graph=>false option to not use the :order option when
    eager loading via :eager_graph.

  • There were small changes in SQL creation where the AS keyword is
    now used explicitly. These should have no effect, but could break
    tests for explicit SQL.

If you have any questions, please post on the Google Group.


On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 10:27:35AM +0900, Jeremy E. wrote:

  • Schema parsing was refactored, resulting in a huge speedup when
    using MySQL. MySQL now uses the DESCRIBE statement instead of the
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PostgreSQL now uses the pg_* system catalogs
    instead of the INFORMATION schema.

I’m curious: given the huge speed improvement using their native
tables, does this mean that INFORMATION_SCHEMA support (which is the
way to access this type of information across database engines) is
implemented in MySQL/PostgreSQL? Or is INFORMATION_SCHEMA itself poorly

Jos B. wrote:

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 10:27:35AM +0900, Jeremy E. wrote:

  • Schema parsing was refactored, resulting in a huge speedup when
    using MySQL. MySQL now uses the DESCRIBE statement instead of the
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PostgreSQL now uses the pg_* system catalogs
    instead of the INFORMATION schema.

I’m curious: given the huge speed improvement using their native
tables, does this mean that INFORMATION_SCHEMA support (which is the
way to access this type of information across database engines) is
implemented in MySQL/PostgreSQL? Or is INFORMATION_SCHEMA itself poorly

In MySQL’s case, it probably isn’t implemented well (surprise,
surprise). I think the INFORMATION_SCHEMA is implemented fine on
PostgreSQL, since there isn’t a noticeable speed difference. The reason
we switched to the pg_* system catalogs on PostgreSQL was to get the
primary key information, not for speed related reasons. It’s possible
that the primary key information is available somewhere in the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA, it was just easier to switch to the pg_* system
catalogs than do the necessary research.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:42:49AM +0900, Jeremy E. wrote:

In MySQL’s case, it probably isn’t implemented well (surprise,
surprise). I think the INFORMATION_SCHEMA is implemented fine on
PostgreSQL, since there isn’t a noticeable speed difference.

This confirms my suspicions. Thanks for sharing, Jeremy.