Path to rails app question

[Post copied from other groups (Capistrano, and Rails Talk) Trying to
find the right venue for this question, I apologize to anyone who’s
seen this before]


I’m finally ready to deploy my first rails app. I’m deploying to my
own server (so I have root access) which is a mac mini running
apache2, MySQL, etc. This server sits at the end of a static IP

At the moment I have static content served from apache. For example: gets my home website.
is where I stuff such things as shared ical calendars. I have some
apps deployed also, at addresses like

I’m deploying using capistrano, (using git, and mongrel), to a
directory that is completely separate from the normal web docs folder.
(for example: /Volumes/SomeDrive/MyRailsApp. Here is what has me

When I deploy, using cap deploy. I end up with:
My normal static content shows up if I hit
If I use, then my rails app is served

This is probably completely normal…

What I want is have my rails app served when the url is something
else, like And I’d like to not
have to specify the port in the address. Finally, I would like my
normal static content to be served when the url is
and I’d like the things deployed to be unaffected (the bug tracker,
and ical stuff mentioned above)

Can someone point me in the right direction for solving these

Do I need to adjust my routes for my rails app, so that is has the
extra bits at the front ? such as map.root “/myrailsappname” or

Should I be using VirtualServer in my apache config ?, if so, should I
use port 3000 instead of 80 ?

Mostly I’m looking for the right topics and keywords to research to
solve this.

John Schank


You would need to use a virtual host entry in Apache with the
appropriate name for it to respond to, and have then entry pass the
connection on using ProxyPass. (You’ll actually want ProxyPass,
ProxyPassReverse, and ProxyPreserveHost.)

However, this is a very inefficient way of doing things. If you’re
going to be using Apache for the foreseeable future, you should just
get Phusion Passenger and have it handle your Rails apps. (I’d suggest
pulling down Enterprise Ruby along with it as well.)

If you’re just using this as a learning experience, at this point
learning to proxy mongrel to Apache is largely useless these days. The
two primary deployment methods still in use are going to be nginx
+mongrel or Apache+Passenger.

Hope that helps.

Alex Malinovich
Director of Deployment Services

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