Too many marshall dump/load calls?

Hi all,

I have a model that is populated from XML using REXML. As many have
written, REXML seems to add singleton methods incompatible with normal
Marshalling as used with file/db session stores. So, I wrote my own
_dump and _load methods. In the course of doing so, I noticed that the
dump/load is called way more often than I thought. One request to a
basic ‘show’ method results in about 18 dump/loads.

Any idea what could cause this? I have made heavy use of partials,
content_for, etc. to clean up my views. Could that be the culprit?



On Oct 11, 4:33 am, Brian H. [email protected]

content_for, etc. to clean up my views. Could that be the culprit?
The obvious thing would be to have your dump method log the callstack
(eg with caller) whenever it is called. Run your action and see who is
causing dump to be called.
