Minitest 1.3.0 Released

minitest version 1.3.0 has been released!

minitest/unit is a small and fast replacement for ruby’s huge and slow
test/unit. This is meant to be clean and easy to use both as a regular
test writer and for language implementors that need a minimal set of
methods to bootstrap a working unit test suite.

mini/spec is a functionally complete spec engine.

mini/mock, by Steven B., is a beautifully tiny mock object framework.

(This package was called miniunit once upon a time)


1.3.0 / 2008-10-09

  • 2 major enhancements:

    • renamed to minitest and pulled out test/unit compatibility.
    • mini/test.rb is now minitest/unit.rb, everything else maps
  • 12 minor enhancements:

    • assert_match now checks that act can call =~ and converts exp to a
      regexp only if needed.
    • Added assert_send… seems useless to me tho.
    • message now forces to string… ruby-core likes to pass classes
      and arrays :frowning:
    • Added -v handling and switched to @verbose from $DEBUG.
    • Verbose output now includes test class name and adds a sortable
      running time!
    • Switched message generation into procs for message deferment.
    • Added skip and renamed fail to flunk.
    • Improved output failure messages for assert_instance_of,
    • Improved output for assert_respond_to, assert_same.
    • at_exit now exits false instead of errors+failures.
    • Made the tests happier and more readable imhfo.
    • Switched index(s) == 0 to rindex(s, 0) on nobu’s suggestion.
  • 5 bug fixes:

    • 1.9: Added encoding normalization in mu_pp.
    • 1.9: Fixed backtrace filtering (BTs are expanded now)
    • Added back exception_details to assert_raises. DOH.
    • Fixed shadowed variable in mock.rb
    • Fixed stupid muscle memory message bug in assert_send.

I am sorry, but I encounter a dependency problem.

“rfeedparser” depends on “character-encodings”,
and “hpricot” would load ‘encoding/character/utf-8’ if
available through:

require ‘encoding/character/utf-8’
rescue LoadError

Then ::Encoding would be defined, and there’s no
default_external in ::Encoding!

Err, do you mind check RUBY_VERSION? or
if Encoding.respond_to?(:default_external) or
something like that?


On Nov 5, 2008, at 01:00 , Lin Jen-Shin wrote:

I am sorry, but I encounter a dependency problem.

“rfeedparser” depends on “character-encodings”,
and “hpricot” would load ‘encoding/character/utf-8’ if
available through:

what does this have to do with minitest?

On Nov 5, 5:03 pm, Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:

On Nov 5, 2008, at 01:00 , Lin Jen-Shin wrote:

I am sorry, but I encounter a dependency problem.

“rfeedparser” depends on “character-encodings”,
and “hpricot” would load ‘encoding/character/utf-8’ if
available through:

what does this have to do with minitest?

in minitest-1.3.0/lib/minitest/unit.rb: 43

s = s.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) if defined? Encoding

minitest called Encoding.default_external if
Encoding was defined, but if hpricot was required,
and character-encodings was installed, Encoding
would be defined even if there’s no default_external.

My tests failed because there’s no default_external in

Sorry for the noise if this was not an issue in trunk,
or you do think it should be fixed in character-encodings.

Thanks anyway.