Why PostgreSQL doesn´t appear on the proje ct?

Why only MySQL (“fake DBMS”) receive a massive support and tutorial.

c_h wrote:

Why only MySQL (“fake DBMS”) receive a massive support and tutorial.

Because it is also widely used by former php developpers.

I have just jumped in the PostgreSQL wagon, and I’ll try to help guys

One gotcha I am facing is that some of my SQL queries with JOIN have to
be rewritten a little, as PGS enforces some syntax which MySQL didn’t
bother with.


Why do you call MySQL a “fake DBMS”?


I spent a number of years working on SQL Server and when I started
working with PGSQL, I found that many of the things I took for granted
in SQL Server I had to do differently in PGSQL. I attribute that to
Microsoft’s fondness of circumventing standards and implementing their
own extensions. In some cases, it makes things easier for developers,
but is a serious pain when portability becomes an issue. If my
understanding is correct, PostgreSQL tries to adhere pretty closely to
standards. I have seen a few places in the documentation where it says
that such and such was included for standards compliance, but an
alternative is provided.

I’m not a PostgreSQL die-hard, though. I started using it because I
began working for a guy who used it in a project. I didn’t really want
two database engines running if I didn’t need to, so I started writing
everything to PostgreSQL. I recently started working on another project
which uses MySQL and I’ve been looking at some of the replication and
clustering capabilities, and have decided that I’m going to need to do
some head to head comparisons in my own uses cases to decide if I should
consider moving my work to MySQL or not. Before I got to working in
Rails, the stored procedure support in PostgreSQL was important to me,
but I find that I don’t use stored procedures much anymore, so what was
once an attraction is not so much any more.
