Little compatibility issue with Ruby 1.9 (rb_argv variable)

Hey guys,

Today I was installing things on my newly installed Ubuntu Hardy Heron
system, and I gave Ruby-GNOME2 a try with Ruby 1.9, but
found out some issue, which was fixed as follows (my C is weak so I
had to learn on my own that the macro recently introduced in Ruby 1.9
was causing the issue):

Index: gtk/src/rbgtkmain.c

— gtk/src/rbgtkmain.c (revisão 3214)
+++ gtk/src/rbgtkmain.c (cópia de trabalho)
@@ -105,10 +105,8 @@
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, “01”, &argary);

 if (NIL_P(argary)){
  •    VALUE rb_argv;
  •    rb_argv = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ARGV"));
  •    gargc = RARRAY(rb_argv)->len;
  •    argary = rb_argv;
  •    argary = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ARGV"));
  •    gargc = RARRAY(argary)->len;

    } else {
    Check_Type(argary, T_ARRAY);
    gargc = RARRAY(argary)->len;
    Index: gstreamer/src/rbgst.c
    — gstreamer/src/rbgst.c (revisão 3214)
    +++ gstreamer/src/rbgst.c (cópia de trabalho)
    @@ -163,10 +163,8 @@
    rb_scan_args (argc, argv, “01”, &argary);

    if (NIL_P (argary)) {

  • VALUE rb_argv;
  •    rb_argv = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ARGV"));
  •    gargc = RARRAY(rb_argv)->len;
  •    argary = rb_argv;
  •    argary = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ARGV"));
  •    gargc = RARRAY(argary)->len;
    } else {
    Check_Type (argary, T_ARRAY);
    gargc = RARRAY (argary)->len;

That is, rb_argv was probably being replaced with a function
(rb_get_argv) or something. The fix
was just to make use of the already available argary variable sooner.

Thanks for the continued work on this great project!



In [email protected]
“[ruby-gnome2-devel-en] Little compatibility issue with Ruby 1.9
(rb_argv variable)” on Sun, 18 May 2008 18:12:24 -0300,
“Joao P.” [email protected] wrote:

Today I was installing things on my newly installed Ubuntu Hardy Heron
system, and I gave Ruby-GNOME2 a try with Ruby 1.9, but
found out some issue, which was fixed as follows (my C is weak so I
had to learn on my own that the macro recently introduced in Ruby 1.9
was causing the issue):

I’ve applied your patch.
