Proxy_redirect not working with https, redirect to http instead of https


I have a turbogears application running on http://localhost:8080/eg/
I use nginx to provide an HTTPS access.
Everything works except when my apps make redirection, the url is well
but the http is not rewrittent into https, ginving
instead of

I installed nginx 6.16 to test last “mail” features,
but expect to downgrade to stable version.

server {
    listen               443;
    server_name     eg01.emailgency.loc;
    ssl                  on;
    ssl_certificate      /kolab/etc/kolab/cert.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key  /kolab/etc/kolab/key.pem;

    location /eg/ {
        proxy_pass            http://localhost:8080/eg/;
        proxy_redirect        default;
        #proxy_redirect        http://localhost:8080/eg/

https://eg01.emailgency.loc/eg/; # don’t work !
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;


If I add this

server {
    listen               80;
    rewrite ^(.*)        https://eg01.emailgency.loc$1 redirect;

then its works but with one more redirection

Any idea ?


On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 12:54:20PM +0100, Alain Spineux wrote:

        #proxy_redirect        http://localhost:8080/eg/
    listen               80;
    rewrite ^(.*)        https://eg01.emailgency.loc$1 redirect;

then its works but with one more redirection


  •         proxy_redirect        default;
  •         proxy_redirect        http://eg01.emailgency.loc/  /;

On Nov 14, 2007 1:03 PM, Igor S. [email protected] wrote:

    location /eg/ {

If I add this

  •         proxy_redirect        default;
  •         proxy_redirect        http://eg01.emailgency.loc/  /;

Right, it works tanks Igor.

For the other (and me later :-), here is the explanations :

When I request :

My browser build the reques as :

GET /eg/welcome/ HTTPS
Host: eg01.emailgency.loc

Nginx replace /eg/ by /eg/ :slight_smile:
and send the identical request using a different protocol “http” to a
different port, but this port is not
updated in “Host:” field because of

proxy_set_header Host $host;

The request become :

GET /eg/welcome/ HTTP (here it lost the S)
Host: eg01.emailgency.loc

My application when building a “redirect” use Host field and return

Location: http://eg01.emailgency.loc/eg/login/

proxy_redirect http://eg01.emailgency.loc/ /;

just adjust the protocol ‘https’ the default host
‘eg01.emailgency.loc’ and return

Location: httpS://eg01.emailgency.loc/eg/login/

BUT if I want to use

         proxy_redirect        default;

I must remove

        proxy_set_header      Host $host;

or replace it by

        proxy_set_header      Host localhost:8080;

Then the “proxy_redirect default” match and works.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 08:32:17PM +0100, Alain Spineux wrote:


My browser build the reques as :

         proxy_redirect        http://eg01.emailgency.loc/  /;

I must remove

        proxy_set_header      Host $host;

or replace it by

        proxy_set_header      Host localhost:8080;

Then the “proxy_redirect default” match and works.

You are right. Some comments:

  1. to not replace /eg/ by /eg/, you may omit URI part:

    locaiton /eg/ {

  •      proxy_pass            http://localhost:8080/eg/;
  •      proxy_pass            http://localhost:8080;
  1. there is no HTTPS in browser request line:

    GET /eg/welcome/ HTTP/1.0

On Nov 14, 2007 8:42 PM, Igor S. [email protected] wrote:

but the http is not rewrittent into https, ginving
ssl on;
then its works but with one more redirection
When I request :
updated in “Host:” field because of
Location: http://eg01.emailgency.loc/eg/login/

Then the “proxy_redirect default” match and works.

You are right. Some comments:

  1. to not replace /eg/ by /eg/, you may omit URI part:

    locaiton /eg/ {

  •      proxy_pass            http://localhost:8080/eg/;
  •      proxy_pass            http://localhost:8080;

Yes, without the “/”

  1. there is no HTTPS in browser request line:

    GET /eg/welcome/ HTTP/1.0


GET /eg/welcome/ HTTP/1.1


Thanks for the great soft and your help.