Mongrel installed, but "command not found"


I just installed mongrel on my server, but can’t use it. I am using
debian server. I installed mongrel by “gem install mongrel”, and
everything worked fine, I’ve seen “Successfully installed
mongrel-1.0.1”. But when I issue command “mongrel_rails”, there is
“command not found” message. Also when I issue “gem contents mongrel”, I
can see “Unable to find gem ‘mongrel’ in default gem paths”. When I do
“gem list”, I can see mongrel there.

What is going on? What am I doing wrong?

Best regards
Pawel S.

On Jul 29, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Pawel S. wrote:

“gem list”, I can see mongrel there.

What is going on? What am I doing wrong?

Sounds like an issue with your path.

Does this work?


I’ve had this problem on Debian servers in the past and the way to
get around it is to modify your PATH to include “/var/lib/gems/1.8/
bin” or create symlinks.

Good luck,

Robby R.
Founder and Executive Director

Design, Development, and Hosting with Ruby on Rails

+1 503 445 2457
+1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
+1 815 642 4068 [fax]

Does this work?


I’ve had this problem on Debian servers in the past and the way to
get around it is to modify your PATH to include “/var/lib/gems/1.8/
bin” or create symlinks.

Yes, looks like it is the issue. On my local comp there is also mongrel
installed, and there is /usr/bin/mongrel_rails. I am sure I didn’t make
it myself, so some gem must have done this. Do you know which one could
it be?

I am also worried about this “Unable to find gem ‘mongrel’ in default
gem paths”. It is the same with all the gems, not only mongrel.

Best regards
Pawel S.

Ok, solved this. I had gem installed from rubygems debian package.
Uninstalled it, downloaded ruby executable installer from gems page, run
it as root. Gems installed. Then I installed some libs (ruby1.8-dev,
libyaml-ruby, libzlib-ruby and rdoc, as this libraries are needed but
ruby package does not depend on them on debian). Then installed mongrel
and rails by my newly installed gems and everything works fine.

Best regards
Pawel S.