Form_remote_tag - Mulitple actions based on user selection

I’ve been searching all of the various Rails lists, and this question
has come up, but can’t implement any solution so far.

I have a form that allows the user to search Amazon. Using Ian
MacDonald’s excellent Ruby/Amazon Library, there are different types
of searches the user can perform.

I use a select menu to change the search type and I can change
actions with a simple line of Javascript like so:

Music Books DVD

However, I want to use either form_remote_tag or something like this:

<%= submit_to_remote(“search”, “Search”,
:url => {:controller => “search”, :action =>
:html => {:class => ‘search’},
:update => :item,
:method => ‘get’) %>)

Both of which work perfectly, as the results which I display with a
three different partial templates, are returned without page refresh.

However, in doing so, I am forced to hard code the :action of
submit_to_remote, thereby, disabling the line of javascript in the
select menu. Duh.

So after lurking on this list, enjoying the wealth of info
contributed by DHH and all the talented programmers. Any ideas. I
remember reading on one list about possibly using observe_field to
listen for user events, and somehow update the action. Thanks in
advance for any help you may offer, because at this point I am stumped.

Markus A.