Act as Ferret supports Conditional search?

Hi all,
Im a newbie to ferret.I have installed the act_as_ferret gem and i
actually want to search for some content in the model,but per user.
My model has data,user_id.So within the data column i have to serach for
word if it exists for a given user.
So can i achieve that ? presently i know that it just searches the
column irrespective of the user given.
Can someone help me with this?


On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 12:33:47AM -0700, isha kakodkar wrote:

Hi all,
Im a newbie to ferret.I have installed the act_as_ferret gem and i
actually want to search for some content in the model,but per user.
My model has data,user_id.So within the data column i have to serach for a
word if it exists for a given user.
So can i achieve that ? presently i know that it just searches the “data”
column irrespective of the user given.
Can someone help me with this?

Index the user_id field (as untokenized) and append "
to the query.


Jens Krämer - Blog - The new free film database

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 11:39:15PM -0700, isha kakodkar wrote:

thanx…i actually did it using the :conditions with find_by_contents.
But when i do find_id_by_contents,which searches from the filesystem,can i
search within data based on this index value?and not just the full data

yes, every attribute you index is stored in it’s own Ferret field, and
you can run queries (or parts of queries) against just one Ferret field
by specifying the field name like I did in the example below.


So can i achieve that ? presently i know that it just searches the

Jens Krämer - Blog - The new free film database

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Jens Krämer - Blog - The new free film database

Thats cool…I could get that working too.Thanks a lot…1 more problem i
have before getting it to completion…
I currently have 2 models,chat having a “Has_many” relationship with
messages model.
A chat has a name and messages have message content.So when i search a
keyword,i want 2 go against both these fields.
So if i want 2 do single index on chat module.but for both the
do i go about doing it?
so i have chat.rb model and message.rb model.
In chat.rb
acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true, :fields => {
:name , :msg

def msg
return “#{self.message.find(:all,:select=>‘msg’)}”

msg is supposed to be a array of messages for one chat…So can i index
all elements of the msg array within chat module?
And thereafter whenever a msg gets inserted in message model,will its
contents be automatically indexed?

I tried doing t vice-versa by putting index on messages.It works.But in
of row pagination doesnt come out well… if many messages have the
keyword,it sends me those many msgIds and they all belong to just 1
chat…total hits become more and actual records i would show are
extra page numbers gets displayed.

A better option for me would be the first approach…So can you help me

thanx…i actually did it using the :conditions with find_by_contents.
But when i do find_id_by_contents,which searches from the filesystem,can
search within data based on this index value?and not just the full data