[ANN] ActiveRecord::Extensions 0.7.0 Released!

ActiveRecord::Extensions 0.7.0 is released!

What’s New ?

The big update is Oracle support for better finders (regexps only
supported on Oracle 10 or higher) and import functionality, as well as
having created_at/updated_at timestamps be applied automatically when
using import functionality.

For the full post please refer to:

What is ActiveRecord::Extensions?

ActiveRecord::Extension (aka ar-extensions) is a plugin to extend and
enhance the functionality of ActiveRecord. It starts by adding better
find support for ActiveRecord. It then adds mass data import
capabilities which are highly efficient and lastly it supports to_csv

It also introduces a cool concept of creating easily extendable pieces
of ActiveRecord functionality, so developers don’t have to understand
ActiveRecord internals or have the fear of breaking ActiveRecord

Is it useful?

I think so and so did these people:


