Conditionalizing find via has_many

I have a has_many relationship (person has_many meetings). The majority
of people in my system have no meetings, so I only want to deal with
Person where meetings.size > 0. Is there a simple and elegant way to
manipulate the find() method I’d normally use, possibly via :include and
:conditions, so that I can use this as needed without having to resort
to SQL? I get the concept of Person.find(:include=>[‘meetings’]) to
hook the two up and make meetings accessible, but :conditions deals with
a direct SQL statement and not a Ruby statement, doesn’t it?

It would be even better if I could do something equivalent to
redefining find(:all) so that this only ever deals with that particular

Hi Duane,

Did you manage to solve this, I’ve got a similar problem now that I’m
trying to work out


On Jun 28 2007, 7:00 pm, Duane M. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-

Duane M. wrote:

It would be even better if I could do something equivalent to
redefining find(:all) so that this only ever deals with that particular

As far as I know, there is no AR mechanism to use pure ruby syntax to
perform a search through a relation whether that is has_many,
belongs_to, etc…

However, this may be close to what you are looking for:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.with_meeting_scope
with_scope(:find => {:joins => “meetings on meetings.person_id =”}) {yield}

def self.find_all_with_meetings
with_meeting_scope {find :all}

I myself however would just use the sql as I find that the with_scope
syntax can quickly get out of hand and it usually turns out to be vendor
specific anyways…

