Question about Form

I have a case that a form has two submit button,
one is edit button that only change the current div that can use
the other is delete button that should refresh the whole page that can

But I what use edit and delete button both in a form, how can I do that?

On 6/21/07, huang zhimin [email protected] wrote:

I have a case that a form has two submit button,
one is edit button that only change the current div that can use
the other is delete button that should refresh the whole page that can use

But I what use edit and delete button both in a form, how can I do that?

I think javascript is the only way I can think of.

One way would be to load the page, and then attach an event listener to
submit event of the form. Then you detect if it’s an edit click, in
case make an ajax request and the stop the event with Event.stop( event
If it’s the delete button do nothing and let the form take it’s natural


typically if you’re going to use more than one submit button inside a
form, then you can check to see which was clicked in two ways:

  1. name both buttons the same, and check which value is posted

if params[:btnSubmit] == “submit one”
… do this …
… do that …

  1. name the buttons differently, and see which posts a value

if params[:btnSave]
… do this …
elsif params[:btnCancel]
… do that …

personally I tend to use method # 2

I got it.

<% form_tag :action => “destroy” do %>

<% for category in @categories %>

<% end %>
<%= radio_button ‘category’, ‘id’,
h %>

<%= submit_to_remote ‘edit’, ‘Edit’, :update => ‘category’, :url =>
:action => ‘edit’ } %>
<%= submit_tag ‘Delete’ %>
<% end %>

edit button is submit_to_remote which is asynchronized and delete button
submit_tag that will refresh the whole page

On 6/21/07, jemminger [email protected] wrote:

On Jun 20, 10:30 pm, "huang zhimin" wrote: