Ferret and capistrano, how to keep the indexes?

Hi, i’m using capistrano to deploy the application, but every time i
deploy it change all the directory, so i lost also the ferret’s indexes.
Is it possible to keep them in order to prevent the reindex on each

sure, put the ferret index directory in the capistrano shared directory,
and have capistrano symlink it in. The same way the log/ and tmp/
directories are handled.

In my deploy.rb file, I added (edited) :

desc “Set up the shared index”
task :after_setup, :roles => [:app, :web] do
run “mkdir -p -m 777 #{shared_path}/index”

desc “symlink the index”
task :after_update, :roles => [:app, :web] do
run “ln -nfs #{shared_path}/index #{current_release}/index”


sure, put the ferret index directory in the capistrano shared directory,
and have capistrano symlink it in. The same way the log/ and tmp/
directories are handled.


On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 15:21 +0200, mike wrote:

Hi, i’m using capistrano to deploy the application, but every time i
deploy it change all the directory, so i lost also the ferret’s indexes.
Is it possible to keep them in order to prevent the reindex on each
