Getting the list of indexed words from ferret or aaf

is the list of indexed words readily available via aaf or directly from

On Jun 8, 2007, at 2:46 AM, Luna Claire wrote:

is the list of indexed words readily available via aaf or directly

See this thread:

John B. wrote:

See this thread:

A way to get all the words from an index? - Ferret - Ruby-Forum

thanks… that ref is to this snippet:

"th_hash = {}
Resource.aaf_index.ferret_index.reader.terms(:body).each {|t, f|
term_hash[t] = f }
th_sorted = term_hash.sort {|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}.reverse

where Resource is the model being indexed"

Thanks, John. That puts me on the right path, but there are 2 gotchas
for me here:

to be more specific,

  1. I’d like to get the index for just a specific object in my model,
    but it seems the call above would return an index built on all of the
    obejcts of that model… any way to just build an index and return the
    terms for one object?

  2. I’d also like to index text from a text_field or text_area before
    it’s saved
    as part of an object, so for this I’d like to be able to
    pass a block of text to aaf and get the indexed terms for just that body
    of text… any way to do that with aaf?