Please help me with OptionParser

Here’s the pastebin of this post if you prefer looking at formatted

Ok, I’m having a multitude of problems with OptionParser. First, I
can’t get it to work following the online documentation.

Second, I got it to work by adding :REQUIRED to the on() method call,
but that doesn’t work as expected: the argument isn’t really
“required”; OptionParser does not bomb if the argument is omitted.

Third, I cannot get a switch to accept multiple arguments.
–my_arg 1 2 3
I want an array [1, 2, 3].

Thanks for the help, the rest of the message contains my pastebin

!/usr/bin/env ruby

require ‘optparse’
require ‘ostruct’

options =
options.client_ids = [] = false

op = do |opts|
opts.on(“-c”, “–client”, “client id to migrate for”) { |client_id|
options.client_ids << client_id }

opts.on_tail(“-h”, “–help”, “Show this message”) { puts opts;
exit }

rescue Exception => e
puts op
puts e

puts options

ruby script.rb --client 123


if I change on() to be:

opts.on(“-c”, “–client”, Integer “client id to migrate for”) { |
client_id| options.client_ids << client_id }

then, ruby script.rb --client 123


furthermore it works if I change on() to be:

opts.on(“-c”, “–client”, :REQUIRED, Integer “client id to migrate
for”) { |client_id| options.client_ids << client_id }

then, ruby script.rb --client 123


which is correct, but if I run, ruby script.rb, it does not bomb out

saying it’s missing a required argument.

and still furthermore, I can’t do something like this: ruby

script.rb --client 123 456

and get #<OpenStruct client_ids=[123, 456], save=false>

Dear all,

I am trying to get Jeff M.'s linalg package
to work on my machine (OpenSuse 10.2 on i586).
I installed the linalg-0.3.2-i686-linux-ruby18.tgz package,
apparently successfully (that’s what my computer told me),

but when I try to actually use it, I get:

require “linalg”

/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ wrong ELF
class: ELFCLASS32 -
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ (LoadError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/linalg.rb:7
from test.rb:1:in `require’
from test.rb:1

I also tried to compile the other linalg.tgz package from source,
but there, the system misses f2c, and can’t be told to find it in
/usr/bin, or to compile with the flag --without-libf2c .

Thank you for any help.

Best regards,


Ugh, you replied on my message and screwed up my thread on Google
Groups… and anyone else who uses a thread aware mail/news program.

Alle domenica 27 maggio 2007, Christopher J. Bottaro ha scritto:

Second, I got it to work by adding :REQUIRED to the on() method call,
but that doesn’t work as expected: the argument isn’t really
“required”; OptionParser does not bomb if the argument is omitted.

From a previous thread on the list
(Command-line option parsing - Ruby - Ruby-Forum), I gather what you want to
is impossible with OptionParser (but it may be possible with other
I’ve never used them so I can’t tell). To achieve what you mean, you
check whether the option was given or not yourself, looking at the
where you stored the options:

if options.client_ids.empty?
puts “You must specify an ID”

Third, I cannot get a switch to accept multiple arguments.
–my_arg 1 2 3
I want an array [1, 2, 3].

I don’t think you can write a list of that kind, because OptionParser
treat every argument as a single option. You can specify more than one
argument to an option, but you need to separe them with commas, not with
spaces. If you do that, you can convert the result to an Array by

opts.on(“–list”, Array, "a test list){|a| options.list = a}

I hope this helps


On May 27, 1:59 pm, Stefano C. [email protected] wrote:

check whether the option was given or not yourself, looking at the variable

Thank you, Stefano, yes it did help.

Dear Christopher,

I am sorry about this . It won’t happen again.

Best regards,


On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 03:17:32AM +0900, Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:

Here’s the pastebin of this post if you prefer looking at formatted

Ok, I’m having a multitude of problems with OptionParser. First, I
can’t get it to work following the online documentation.

Which online documentation are you using?

That’s the documentation that I use.

Second, I got it to work by adding :REQUIRED to the on() method call,
but that doesn’t work as expected: the argument isn’t really
“required”; OptionParser does not bomb if the argument is omitted.

That’s not actually how you do it. The style to code up a required
argument is:

opts.on("-c", "--client ID", "client id to migrate for")

Putting something after the option tells option parser that you
require an argument on that option. In this cases putting ID after
–client tells the parser that this option has a required argument.
use [ID] to designate option parameters.

To force ID to be an integer, you can change the option to be:

opts.on("-c", "--client ID", Integer, "client id to migrate for")

This will make sure that ID is an Integer before passing to the block.
If it isn’t it will throw and exception.

Third, I cannot get a switch to accept multiple arguments.
–my_arg 1 2 3
I want an array [1, 2, 3].

Array style arguments are done as comma separated items that are passed
to the block as an Array. So ch

opts.on("-c", "--client ID,ID", Array, "client id(s) to migrate 


In your case, it seems you want to make sure that the option parameters
to ID is an Array of Integers. Which means you’ll have to tweak it a
bit for yourself. I’ve written up one solution in the attached .rb

Thanks for the help, the rest of the message contains my pastebin

Play with the attached test cases and make it do what you want. I made
tests to describe what you wanted, and the Application class that is
tested meets those test.



I’m no expert, I’ve only used OptionParser for simple command parsing,
but looking at the documentation, to read an array, you probably need to
do something like this:

opts.on("–clients x,y,z", Array, “Example ‘list’ of arguments”) do
options.client_ids = list