

Am trying to run my ruby files in rcov task,

here is the code, am using,

require ‘rcov/rcovtask’ do |t|

t.test_files = FileList["/**/TestCase/*.rb"]
t.verbose = true

rescue LoadError
puts ‘Rcov is not available.’

There are many .rb files in that TestCase folder but it is showing the
coverage of only one file…

Will you plz help me, how i can get covrage of all .rb files.

On 5/23/07, Koustubh J. [email protected] wrote:

Will you plz help me, how i can get covrage of all .rb files.
Please, before reposting the same question, first see the answers you
have already got [1] and comment on them.


[1] Rcov Task - Ruby - Ruby-Forum

Jano S. wrote:

On 5/23/07, Koustubh J. [email protected] wrote:

Will you plz help me, how i can get covrage of all .rb files.
Please, before reposting the same question, first see the answers you
have already got [1] and comment on them.


[1] Rcov Task - Ruby - Ruby-Forum

I tried the options that u have specified, but it showing coverage for
only one test script that is last one…

Could u plz help me solve it…


On 5/23/07, Koustubh J. [email protected] wrote:

I tried the options that u have specified, but it showing coverage for
only one test script that is last one…

Could u plz help me solve it…


  1. do your test scripts have name tc_something.rb or test_something.rb?
    if yes, they do not appear in rcov by design. Try plaing with
    –include-file or --exclude-only parameters to rcov

  2. Check your FileList by adding
    puts t.test_files just after the assignment

This is how my RCovTask looks like (I’m using fixed array of test
files, as I don’t want to run each of them. Now I don’t remember any
more why I have put --aggregate there. do |t|
t.test_files = FileList[*SHORT_TESTS]
t.output_dir = RCOV_OUTPUT

    t.rcov_opts = [
            "--sort coverage",
            "--include-file /\btc_[^.]*\.rb/",
            "--aggregate #{RCOV_DATABASE}"

