ANN: FeedReader Extension for 0.6.1

Well, I wanted a Radius tag I could use to include RSS feeds on my site
(still under development). I couldn’t find an extension that worked the
way I wanted it to with 0.6.1, so I wrote my own. Now, I’m sharing it
with the group. Hope you find it useful!

From the README:

= FeedReader

Created by: Will G.
version: 0.1

Requires the following gems:

  • open-uri
  • hoe
  • hpricot
  • simple-rss
  • feed-normalizer

The FeedReader extension allows you to create feeds that you can display
on you site. The Feed’s XML is cached for a variable amount of time
(configurable per-feed)

Adds a tab to the Admin page for Feed Readers. Pretty straight forward.
Once you create a feed, you can add it to your page using the following

<r:feedreader:list name=“name of some feed” />

No tests yet, and no svn yet either (yes, I know, I’m evil).

Question? Comments? Let me know!

Will G.

Woops! No attachments, eh?

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