Multi-part file upload read_multipart error

I’m running Mongrel (and the same thing happens in Webrick mode).

I’m uploading a file via form, and I’m getting the following error:
Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #<EOFError: bad content body>
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/cgi.rb:984:in read_multipart' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.1/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/raw_post_data_fix.rb:38:ininitialize_query’

I’m able to upload files fine from other forms in the site, but when I
upload on a specific page, I get that error.

Here is the generated html source for the upload form:

“frame” is an iframe, but I get the same error posting without the
target designation.

The action in the controller does nothing:
def ajax_like_approve_with_alternate
# Do stuff with params[:uploaded_file]
#data = ClData.find( params[:id] )

#responds_to_parent do
#  render :update do |page|
#    page << "ResponseHandler( #{params[:id]}, 'awa', 1 )"
#  end


The only difference I can see between other pages on the site is that
other pages don’t specify a target for the form (which again, doesn’t
help the problem), and the page that is causing the errors has many
forms on it (NOTE: I’ve checked to be sure none of them are embedded
within another).

Have you resolved this problem? I had now just exactly the same
(upload, iframe, same error and working on some pages) and the
solution was that the real root of problem was the next after
uploading ajax request which does terminated the upload process by
this line:

for (var i = 0; i < as_requests.length; i++) as_requests[i].abort();

Have you resolved this problem? I had now just exactly the same
(upload, iframe, same error and working on some pages) and the
solution was that the real root of problem was the next after
uploading ajax request which does terminated the upload process by
this line:

for (var i = 0; i < as_requests.length; i++) as_requests[i].abort();


On May 4, 9:59 pm, Blake M. [email protected]

Des wrote:

Have you resolved this problem? I had now just exactly the same
(upload, iframe, same error and working on some pages) and the
solution was that the real root of problem was the next after
uploading ajax request which does terminated the upload process by
this line:

for (var i = 0; i < as_requests.length; i++) as_requests[i].abort();
I did not resolve it yet (haven’t worked on it for a while).