No route found to match "/application/signin"

I’m posting this because I ran into a problem and had difficulty
tracking down the answer. In fact, the answer was in another ruby-forum
post, but the Search feature didn’t locate it via the keywords I was
using. Hopefully my Subject line will help more people find this

I upgraded from Rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.3. When I did something that required
me to sign in, I got:

ActionController::RoutingError (no route found to match
“/application/signin” with {:method=>:get}):

Details posted here:

In summary, it seems that the newer versions of Rails enforce that
ApplicationController is not used to contain actions. It should just
contain utility methods that you want your other controllers to inherit.
Moving my “signin” method to another controller (and fixing all
references to point to this new controller) fixed it.