String subs

lo there all,

i have found how i can put a variable inside a string without the #{}
using %s and so on. But i don’t know how to do more than one.

for example

x = 5
y = 10

puts “i have %s foo and %s bar” % don’t know what goes here

i know, quite a beginner question, would appreciate any help


On Apr 21, 2007, at 5:40 PM, shawn bright wrote:

puts “i have %s foo and %s bar” % don’t know what goes here

i know, quite a beginner question, would appreciate any help


From ri:

--------------------------------------------------------------- String#%
str % arg => new_str

  Format---Uses _str_ as a format specification, and returns the
  result of applying it to _arg_. If the format specification
  contains more than one substitution, then _arg_ must be an +Array+
  containing the values to be substituted. See +Kernel::sprintf+ for
  details of the format string.

     "%05d" % 123                       #=> "00123"
     "%-5s: %08x" % [ "ID", ]   #=> "ID   : 200e14d6"

So, it’d be:

puts “i have %s foo and %s bar” % [foo, bar]

cool, thanks very much