Newbie having full text search problem with acts_as_ferret

Hi guys,

I am using acts_as_ferret to do full text search on my models and I am
having problem on three-letter word searches.

I am going to use an example to explain my problem. Here it is:

There is a table called users and it has login, first_name, last_name
columns. There are three rows inside it.

login first_name last_name
bob bob henry
longbob nil nil
existingbob nil nil

Now I am expecting to get all three rows as the search result and my
search query is: “bob OR bob OR bob* OR *bob”
However, I am only getting longbob and existingbob rows, not the user

I have tried many other queries and still no luck. At first I thought
that some columns might not be indexed properly but doing login:bob
returns me with the user bob, so I don’t think that it’s indexing
problem anymore.

Any idea?

Thank you in advance for the help.


On 4/6/07, Harman S. [email protected] wrote:

login first_name last_name
that some columns might not be indexed properly but doing login:bob
returns me with the user bob, so I don’t think that it’s indexing
problem anymore.

Any idea?

Sorry, I can’t seem to replicate this problem;

require ‘ferret’
i =
i << {:login => “bob”, :first_name => “bob”, :last_name =>
i << {:login => “longbob”, :first_name => nil, :last_name => nil}
i << {:login => “existingbob”, :first_name => nil, :last_name => nil}
puts“bob OR bob OR bob* OR *bob”).to_s(:login)

Gives me the correct output;

TopDocs: total_hits = 3, max_score = 2.091924 [
0 “bob”: 2.091924
1 “longbob”: 0.045950
2 “existingbob”: 0.045950

Perhaps you are using an earlier version of Ferret. Otherwise I’m not
sure what the problem might me.

Perhaps you are using an earlier version of Ferret. Otherwise I’m not
sure what the problem might me.

Thanks a lot for the reply David! I believe I’m using the latest Ferret

At least now I know that the query I’m using is correct so nothing wrong
with that.

Also I am not too sure about it but this can be changed:
“bob OR bob OR bob* OR *bob” to “bob OR bob
Am I right?

As I mentioned before I’m using acts_as_ferret to implement my full text
search. Here is a piece of the code:
def self.quick_search(search_text)
return [] if search_text.blank?
q = “#{search_text} OR #{search_text}
multi_search_result = []
size, result = m.constantize.find_id_by_contents(q)
multi_search_result += result


Any other insight, guys?

I must did something wrong but still no luck in finding it until now.

On 4/6/07, Harman S. [email protected] wrote:

Also I am not too sure about it but this can be changed:
“bob OR bob OR bob* OR *bob” to “bob OR bob
Am I right?

Actually “bob” will probably do what you want, but “bob OR bob
will make sure that “bob” scores much higher than “longbob”.

Any other insight, guys?

Sorry, no other idea what the problem might be.

Hi David!

David B. wrote:

On 4/6/07, Harman S. [email protected] wrote:

Also I am not too sure about it but this can be changed:
“bob OR bob OR bob* OR *bob” to “bob OR bob
Am I right?

Actually “bob” will probably do what you want, but “bob OR bob
will make sure that “bob” scores much higher than “longbob”.

Ahhhh I see…

Any other insight, guys?

Sorry, no other idea what the problem might be.

Not a problem, thank you for your help again.

I finally found out what the problem is. It turns out to be completely
unrelated to Ferret and my implementation of the search. The problem is
that the search result I’m expecting is located on the second page of my
paginator object and I did not pass the correct page =.=" It’s hard to
see because it’s part of my integration test.

My stupid brain is playing trick on me!!! >.<
I can’t believe I spent about 6+ hours on this error…

Thanks again!