Implementation for 5 > x > 4 / RSpec fuzz testing


before going to sleep I had an idea for how to implement 5 > x > 4.
It’s pretty simple an implementation. I remember reading on ruby-talk
years ago that this was impossible to do without changing Ruby’s

So, nothing big. I just don’t want this to decay on my hard disk. It
demonstrates a fair bit of meta programming and that Ruby is powerful
as well.

It’s available at

I’m also wondering if somebody has already thought about how to best
do fuzz testing in RSpec? I know about RFuzz, but it seems to be web
specific. Is there any official best practise for using random input
in your specs?

Kind regards,
Florian G.

Florian Groß wrote:

So, nothing big. I just don’t want this to decay on my hard disk. It
demonstrates a fair bit of meta programming and that Ruby is powerful
as well.

It’s available at
Ha! Coming from the guy who wrote Binding.of_caller, I was expecting a
challenge. That’s ridiculously simple! Cool beans.

I’m also wondering if somebody has already thought about how to best
do fuzz testing in RSpec?
The only thing that comes to mind is a presentation Jim W. did on a
prototype Contract Driven Development library.
