Help with Rails Vs Grails benchmark comparison

Graeme Rocher (one of the lead Grails guys) has put together a benchmark
comparison between a simplistic Rails app and a Grails app.

But there’s some weirdness in the results that people with more Mongrel
knowledge than I can help out with. The Rails app was given a cluster of
mongrels and the Grails app was limited to a max of 10 threads under
to keep everything even. What’s weird is that Rails performance
compared to when it was just run with one mongrel. Obviously there’s
something whacked with that and we would really appreciate your insight
make this a totally balanced comparison.

There’s some weirdness on the Java side of things too for any of you
good Tomcat knowledge. For some reason Grails seemed to perform better
when Tomcat was limited to 10 threads as opposed to when it ran under
default # of threads.

Feel free to respond here or drop me an e-mail privately and I’ll make
it gets to the right people. :slight_smile:

kate rhodes wrote:

Graeme Rocher (one of the lead Grails guys) has put together a
benchmark comparison between a simplistic Rails app and a Grails app.

What’s weird is that Rails performance degraded compared to when it
was just run with one mongrel. Obviously there’s something whacked
with that and we would really appreciate your insight to make this a
totally balanced comparison.
yes… the thing is they are running rails in development mode, so every
class is getting reloaded every time.

I posted it already at the original blog post, so hopefully they’ll
re-benchmark and more accurate results should be produced (taking into
account the benchmarking is not by any means exhaustive)


javier ramirez

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