Ruby equivalent of filepart

I’m looking for a Ruby equivalent of Java’s Jakarta HTTP FilePart.

I basically need to send out a post request that contains an uploaded
file to a REST API.

Now the client code that they normally use is Jakarta HTTP. Whose
definition of a multipart post containing a file is here:

I need help to do this in Ruby. Anyone has nay thoughts on this?

On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 02:58:37AM +0900, Siddharth Dawara wrote:

I’m looking for a Ruby equivalent of Java’s Jakarta HTTP FilePart.

I basically need to send out a post request that contains an uploaded
file to a REST API.

Now the client code that they normally use is Jakarta HTTP. Whose
definition of a multipart post containing a file is here:
HttpClient - Multipart Post Method

I need help to do this in Ruby. Anyone has nay thoughts on this?

If you google for “ruby multipart post” you’ll find some solutions.

I believe also that Rails has some components which can do this.