Best multi level login plugin/engine/gem

Hey all

Lots of various login scenarios as im sure most of you know

Im looking for one that is mature enough to support both admins and

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I want something that is working with 1.2.2 rails and that I can count
on in
the next few years

That is the developer will be working on it and it will have a current
base that will always be up to date with the rails code base.

Rant territory.

So many choices seems to go against the whole D.R.Y. principle but
beside the ‘there is more than one way to do it’

This and the many deprecated and broken engines and plugins as of late
me wonder about rails stability

I find I’m spending more and more time evaluating plugins and engines

It would be great to see,say, all the login engines/plugins come
together as
THE login plugin