Solaris 10 issue with 0.7.10+ builds w/ patch fix

Clint P. schrieb:

I ended up writing my own debian init.d script which also included
spawn-fcgi which apparently is what’s causing the problem, commenting
out the start lines for that and there’s no problem via ssh.

Is there an official debian start init.d script somewhere?
There are debian packages for sid, which contain an debian init script.
Personally I always recompile this debian package on my etch servers, to
avoid installing nginx with “make install”. It also packs convenient
things like a logrotate script in there.


Use php-fpm and symlink /usr/local/sbin/php-fpm to /etc/init.d/php-fpm
and set the appropriate runlevel links up and you’re golden. :slight_smile:

My nginx init script on Ubuntu does not work properly when upgrading
nginx. I typically have to kill -9 to kill off the old one, for some
reason the pid file gets lost or something funky happens.