Re: I need serious help!

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 09:55:09AM +0900, Peter S. wrote:

In message [email protected], Joe W. writes:

Professional help with this programming BS.

I assumed it was for your obvious mental health issues.

Someone in another subthread suggested he might be a sociopath. I
don’t think that’s a very likely diagnosis. Narcissistic personality
disorder is somewhat more likely than antisocial personality disorder,
this layman’s opinion. Of course, no diagnosis can really be made over
a mailing list with any certainty of accuracy or relevance. It’s
possible he doesn’t have a diagnosable mental illness – perhaps he’s
just a self-centered little prick on his way to a rude awakening.


For a more detailed view of pathological narcissism and the
Personality Disorder (NPD) - click on these links:

Other Personality Disorders

Take care.


On Jul 17, 9:41 am, samvaknin [email protected] wrote:


Having made the mistake of reading this whole, sad thread yesterday
because this sort of thing rarely happens on the ruby-talk newsgroup
(comp.lang.javascript is notorious for this, the oldtimers would have
chopped Joe into a billion pieces on his first post), I have come to
the conclusion that you have hit the proverbial nail on the head,
Sam. And like other manipulative personality disorders, this guy’s
disease was able to suck in a lot of folks.

Thanks for the interesting links.


Joe W. wrote:

Once that’s done and you’re happy with it, go back to your original
design and add the graphics layer.

I don’t even get how to make anything work in Ruby. It all looks lke
gibberish. If I don’t understand how Hello World thing works, how is it
suposed to help me learn how to make 3-d graphics and kick ass gameplay?

If you don’t understand how “Hello World” works, how will you ever learn

And then the young programmer was enlightened.

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