Normal For Loop

Hmmm. The basic principle of (just about) all programming is, as we all
know, KISS. Because the more complicated it is

a. the more likely there are to be errors
b. the harder it becomes to maintain.

I fear (in absence of knowledge, I’m just starting don’t forget) that
‘amazing loop options’ makes the writing overly clever,
incomprehensible code too easy. I’d love to be wrong…?

I was referring to situational things like yielding multiple objects to
a loop as an array, adding an index, using yield rather than having a
staticly defined method…

Thank you.

OK, I deduce from this

a. There are any number of ways of generating a loop.
b. It would be possible for a Ruby programmer to write new ones.

Is this correct?

My apologies, I was not making a personal remark. I am hopelessly
underqualified to discuss any basic, never mind advanced, features of

My question was general, perhaps I’ll try again – is it easy for a bad
programmer to write overly complicated code?