Is the rails 2.0 scaffold system philosophically ( not technically? ) broken?

Maybe the use of the term scaffolding is wrong. I meant the code
from the migration.

Everyone here is always going to say that it’s not hard to write your
controllers. I’m not saying it’s hard. I’m saying, as a newbie developer
the framework, it’s a great helping tool. For me, web development is
getting stuff done.

But seriously, how does one “import” and already existing database
into a Rails Project? I’m talking about 100+ tables, with (on average)

Does one need to specify script/generate model (and all 20 fields)?

On Feb 23, 2:45 pm, dasil003 [email protected] wrote:

I guess the Rails core team has become a little out of touch with the
newbie developer. But, frankly, that’s a necessary step for the
maturation of a project like this. 3 years ago, Rails needed all the
mindshare it could get, and the infamous screencast was a powerful
hook to draw people in.

This is the first time I have been unpleasantly surprised by a comment
on this forum. I wonder if this reflects the views of the core team.

Working on creating 2 large apps based on rails 1, I am in the process
of moving them to Rails 2. But I sense a significant distance between
the core Rails Movers and “the Rest of us”. So much of the
documentation (which was in any case not ideal) has now been confused,
and left behind. As an existing Rails developer, I can just about
cope with the transition of how to convert to plugins for things like
pagination, auto_complete etc. (But for a good summary of the changes
I was forced to buy the peepcode pdf) I dont mind paying , but I
would if I was just trying rails out for the first time . So many of
the tutorials are now going to just not work for Rails 2 and are going
to point in the wrong direction, particularly as regards REST (and
consequently the scaffold) and routing which is getting a fairly high
profile. Even the Agile Rails book is no longer being quoted as the
Primary resource. I suspect if I were coming as a noob, then this
amount of confusion, on top of the lack of a single documentation
resource, would cause me to give up in disgust.

Now I do not want to be a complainer. I do not have any problems with
the Rails 2 direction, and getting to grips with REST routing and the
various concepts is really good for me. But if there is no leg up for
those entering the fray for the first time,and it is felt that
maturing the product necessitates losing touch with the noob, there
is a danger that Rails could become an old boy’s club. (Purely my own
opinion, but that would be a real shame - I have been a strong
advocate of Rails.)

Being a transition from 1 to 2, means this is Rails first experience
in version transition. The rails team has got so much right that it
would be a shame to dismiss the significance of the version
transition. I think there is merit in the view that need for total
backward compatibility can be dispensed with. But if that is done
without clear documentation for the transition and its implications
(prominantly on the Rails home site - cos that is the logical first
place to look), then it is just going to leave confusion to eventually
do its worst.

comments made with good intentions - reflecting my own feelings along
the way.

On Feb 24, 2008, at 4:33 AM, tonypm wrote:

So many of
the tutorials are now going to just not work for Rails 2 and are going
to point in the wrong direction, particularly as regards REST (and
consequently the scaffold) and routing which is getting a fairly high


These changes cannot have come as a surprise to anyone who was
tracking Rails. As with anything that has a good deal of Internet
buzz, some of that buzz will not be updated to reflect the news.
Still, the benefits of extracting certain functionality from Rails
core was articulated very early. It is not the fault of the Rails core
team that so much of the existing information you can turn up using
Google focuses on earlier versions of Rails.

Several blogs have meticulously tracked the changes as Rails core has
merged them into edge:

Are two good places to look. I single these two out, not because they
are the only places to look, but rather because they are the first
that come to mind. I even wrote a post on upgrading to Rails 2.0 that
addressed dynamic scaffolding:

The regrettable thing about this is that dynamic scaffolding was such
an eye-popping feature that people got used to highlighting it as an
example of the true productivity one might achieve using Rails. In
practice, many Rails 1.x (if not most) developers wound up creating
their own actions and views to replace the dynamic scaffolds, yet the
code remained in the Rails codebase. That became, essentially, dead
code in the production codebase. Yet is cost time for the core team to
maintain. There are other dynamic scaffold solutions available, and
while not covered exhaustively in the “how-to’s” that are so pervasive
on the Web, they may do an even better job that Rails’ original one.

Pagination is another place that may disappoint. But Rails pagination
was not considered a great solution. Many, many posts to this list
complained about poor performance. Several replacements have emerged
that are superior, the most popular being will_paginate
). Another one is paginating_find
(Welcome -
), which I’ve used to good effect in some applications.

I encourage you to consider the Rails core team a limited resource and
ask yourself whether you would prefer they spend their time keeping up
with legacy features (even though there are better alternatives for
them) or pushing forward.

My $.02

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Actually, I want to apologize
about my post. It was one of those you regret as soon as you push the
send button. I really like Ruby and Rails. I must have had a
frustrating day I guess.

I agree with you that it is important that the core team focus on the
development of the project. If the way Rails is being developed is
what results in Rails being just so good - then who am I to complain?

One thing I have decided to do is to keep more abreast of the
discussions on where Rails is heading and why, but I’m not sure at the
moment where that sort of discussion might be visible. Is there such
a thing as a core team discussion forum that is visible to the general
surfer - or is it a case of subscribing to some key blogs?


I’ve spoken with a lot of people who are in the process of learning
Rails, and I believe the core team made a big mistake in removing the
basic scaffold and renaming scaffold_resource to scaffold.

I understand the thinking that led to this, and I don’t object to the
goal of pushing RESTful design. For experienced developers the change
in the scaffold command is not a problem. But it unnecessarily broke
nearly every existing tutorial. Using the “new” scaffold command in a
tutorial that was written for the “old” scaffold command gives no
errors, it just leads to code that doesn’t work as intended. This has
left a lot of people confused, frustrated, and less likely to continue
with Rails. And it was completely unnecessary.

Removing features is one thing. I don’t regret the loss of dynamic
scaffolding. And I don’t want a bloated framework either. But taking a
feature that is almost universally used in introductory tutorials, and
creating a new feature that works in a fundamentally different way but
has the exact same name, is, in my opinion, just a bad idea. If the
core team was determined to dump the old scaffold, they should have
replaced the generator output with a message that you should use
scaffold_resource instead, and explain that it works differently.

Of course this is all water under the bridge, and I suppose I
shouldn’t complain since it gives an advantage to sites such as mine
that will have current tutorials, but I hope the core team thinks
about the unnecessary pain this caused for many people trying to learn
the platform the next time they consider redefining what a feature
does. Please don’t reuse existing names to make them do different
things in silent and confusing ways.

Michael S.

OK - so I’m having a bad day and hit send before I’d finished!!

I should have added that:

look to be really good resources that I have now subscribed to:

I agree with you about avoiding scaffolding. Actually, I tend to keep
a sample scaffold to hand as a ‘for example’, but that’s about all. I
note your the reference in your blog to make_resourceful. I suspect
there may well be times when this could make life easier.


sorry, I should have acknowledged the bloggs you already mentioned. I
have now subscribed to err.the_blog, I currently use will_paginate,
but will take a look at paginating_find.



You don’t have to read very far into this thread to realize that most
of the responders, and most of the developers making decisions about
Rail’s long term direction, are consultants or independent software
houses working on de novo apps, just like 37Signals. So, you may not
get many replies to your question:

But seriously, how does one “import” and already existing database design
into a Rails Project? I’m talking about 100+ tables, with (on average) 20+

because that’s not a problem for them. Obviously, the old
introspecting scaffold that responded to existing tables is of little
interest for them; in their world, the tables don’t exist until they
are designing their app, or they are just tweaking an app they’ve
already written.

So, anyone who questions the elimination of the old-school scaffolding
is assumed to be a newbie trying to avoid learning the framework.

Enterprise developers, who don’t have the luxury of designing from the
ground up, are just a tiny minority in the Rails world. I’m afraid
that decisions like this one will be the pattern for some time to
come. If they had made the “introspecting scaffolding” a plug-in, I
might have thought the needs of enterprise developers were at least
considered, but they completely eliminated it so it dies without a
whimper. Maybe the framework will be strong enough to find use in the
enterprise anyway, and maybe not.

For me, web development is about getting stuff done.

Yeah, me, too. I’ve been using the RoR framework for nearly two years;
I’m not a newbie; I’m perfectly comfortable writing controllers. Like
you, I’ve inherited some tables with a jillion columns, and it is far
faster to delete some auto-generated code than to type in all those
column names/types.

So, here’s a thread that actually addresses your concern:
Brian H. has a gem that will scaffold the forms, at least.

I modified his scaffoldform to make a generator that does something
similar for the show and index pages as well. It’s not quite ready for
prime time, but it works for what I need.

It is called scaffold_reflect: you put it where Rails expects to find
generators and then use scaffold_reflect TableName and it makes index,
show, edit form, and new form pages for the table, with every field
(except _id fields) represented by a reasonable HTML entity. Similar
to the old-school scaffolding, except that every field is spelled out
there ready to modify or delete. No need to type in the structure of a
table that already exists, right?

If you’re interested, send me an email and I’ll package it up for you
and send it on. Even with its little peculiarities, it is a lot faster
than the new scaffolding for an existing table.


I’m not apposed to learning the framework. Truth be told, I don’t even
Ruby yet. But, as I said before, the scaffolding generation
that I’ve seen in other frameworks, has been invaluable to me learning

But, I suppose this is one step further to ensuring that people use

But, then I’m still confused. What is the point of script/generate then?
make a view with fields? Since these changes are incremental, won’t it
overwrite the that view for the next migration change you make? Or are
supposed to relist ALL fields PLUS additional for every new generation?

Or maybe all these questions will be revealed to me much later after I
finish Agile Web Dev. and take a hefty look at the chapter on

But then again, this was written for 1.2, so who knows?

Baz L
Just thinking aloud.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 7:38 AM, paron
[email protected]

On 25 Feb 2008, at 13:38, paron wrote:

enterprise anyway, and maybe not.
It was made into a plugin :
There are also much nicer looking alternatives such as activescaffold


Sorry Ron, forgot to add:

Your reply was much appreciated.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 7:38 AM, paron
[email protected]

It was made into a plugin :
There are also much nicer looking alternatives such as activescaffold


Is that really where people are expected to go to get plugins? How do
they find it? I googled pretty extensively, but didn’t see it. Is
there some link somewhere beside this thread?

Well, I’m glad the plugin’s out there, at least, even if there’s no
way to find it without wading through a half-dozen lectures about how
“scaffolds are bad” and implying “only a lazy, shallow developer would
even ask.”

Thank you for answering the question. It will probably cost you some
‘Rails cool guy’ points. However, if your response, or one of the few
others like it, had come before all the sermons, it would have left a
very much more attractive picture of the Rails community.


Again I say, scaffolding is a confusing term use. I’m referring to the
scaffolding that generates code.

I am totally with everyone, when they say that the auto scaffolding
is a bit useless. Fine for a quick demo, but …

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Frederick C. <

On Feb 25, 2008, at 5:38 AM, paron wrote:

enterprise anyway, and maybe not.
You may or may not be correct about the logic behind extracting
dynamic scaffolding. I would ask that you consider several resources
before drawing too many conclusions: (in particular
, where you can see that the extraction of dynamic scaffolding from
edge happened almost a year ago) (a capable – some might even say “sexy” –
plugin for creating nice interfaces to your models) (Dr Nic’s magic models, which give
you the luxury to support the 200 tables in your legacy database with
very little programmer interaction)

I am having a hard time viewing the Rails community as one with a
narrow perspective that forecloses various aspects of Web development.
One key to working with open source tools as opposed to, say, .Net or
J2EE, is that you have to spend the time to watch what’s going on in
the community.

I don’t mean to pick on you specifically, but all the complaints about
scaffolding breaking tutorials, or worse making Rails inappropriate
for certain categories of development was something that was discussed
and decided many moons ago. It shouldn’t be a shocker, and I would
suggest that the tutorials should share the responsibility of staying

This is all opinion on my part, so take it with a grain of salt :slight_smile:

s. ross –
Our posts crossed in the mails, making mine look like an especially
combative reply to yours, which was not my intent. Please let me try

You may be interested to note that when 2.x was released and people
initially felt the pain, I went to the trouble of putting a post on
this mailing list detailing the issues (Comment: Role of Scaffolding Going Forward - Rails - Ruby-Forum
). As I say in the post, I don’t use scaffolding, but I am sympathetic
to those who are just coming up to speed so I wrote what I could
discover about scaffolding.

Any of the links you sent would have been a fine reply to the OP or to
Baz, as would Frederick’s. Then, perhaps, all those sermons, if people
felt they were necessary.

It feels just a little unfair to hear the Rails community
characterized as one that awards “Rails cool guy” points. This subject
has been discussed on the ML several times and while I don’t
discourage further discussion, using the context of previous
information put forward on the same subject can be useful and perhaps
save a bit of time.

Agreed, it would have been much more to the point if some of the
earlier posters had done that. I’d have traded one post with an on-
topic page slap for all the lectures.

I don’t think “only a lazy shallow developer would even ask,” but I do
think a responsible developer should evaluate existing and viable
options before complaining that the scaffold system is gone, leaving a
void that somehow makes Rails less usable. A good deal of hard work
has gone into making the existing scaffolding (script/generate
scaffold) follow the RESTful conventions. Further, much hard work has
gone into plugins such as ActiveScaffold, will_paginate,
paginating_find, etc.

I freely admit that many people a great deal smarter than me worked
very hard on the decisions and the code. Their decisions and code make
a great deal of sense from the POV of a developer working from a blank
db or a db they’ve developed using migrations, perhaps.

However, from the (limited) POV of a developer stuck with the task of
hanging a web front end on 100+ existing tables of 20+ columns each,
hand-coding 2000+ field name/type combos was a tremendous step
backward. Going back to the old scaffolding was a not-unreasonable
question from his POV, and he’s not alone.

Thanks again for the links, and the research you did. Believe me, that
plugin is not easy for a newbie or even a fairly oldbie to find. Those
links will make it easier for people to choose for themselves which
approach makes sense.


On Feb 25, 2008, at 9:10 AM, paron wrote:

You may be interested to note that when 2.x was released and people
initially felt the pain, I went to the trouble of putting a post on
this mailing list detailing the issues
(Comment: Role of Scaffolding Going Forward - Rails - Ruby-Forum
). As I say in the post, I don’t use scaffolding, but I am sympathetic
to those who are just coming up to speed so I wrote what I could
discover about scaffolding.

It feels just a little unfair to hear the Rails community
characterized as one that awards “Rails cool guy” points. This subject
has been discussed on the ML several times and while I don’t
discourage further discussion, using the context of previous
information put forward on the same subject can be useful and perhaps
save a bit of time.

I don’t think “only a lazy shallow developer would even ask,” but I do
think a responsible developer should evaluate existing and viable
options before complaining that the scaffold system is gone, leaving a
void that somehow makes Rails less usable. A good deal of hard work
has gone into making the existing scaffolding (script/generate
scaffold) follow the RESTful conventions. Further, much hard work has
gone into plugins such as ActiveScaffold, will_paginate,
paginating_find, etc.

I’m a complete n00by on rails ATM, started learning sometime 2 days ago.
The following is not the best of tutorials but hopefully it should help
someone like myself and save them the time and trouble.

Disclaimer: I’m presuming you are on windows since that’s the
troublemaker in the bunch. I’m also presuming some prerequisites have
been met, namely: you have mysql with a root password (it’s okey to have
none, just ignore a step bellow), I’m also presuming you have ruby (and
commands such as ruby work for you). Since it’s in context I’ll also
presume you have rails 2.0.2 installed, or some other version of rails
from the (“cursed” by the user base) 2.0.x series.

– rails 1.2.6

The instructions provided (and repeated) in a few of the posts above
generally won’t work. At least for me installing rails 1.2.6 while still
holding onto 2.0.2 and it’s dependencies proved a major head ache, thing
simply won’t work to the fullest, just like the scaffold

To run on rails 1.2.6 and play & watch the famous blog in 15 minutes
video, do the following. (‘#’ mark comments, ignore them; they’re likely
to cause errors)

uninstall everything, like this…

gem uninstall rails

if you have multiple version a prompt will appear,

simply uninstall everything! and re-install, like so

gem install rails --version 1.2.6 --include-dependencies

You can now go through everything and have fun.
Basic round down, the dynamic scaffold thing apparently has no other use
then to generate table in which it places the fields of the database
tables (excepting :id) under the format: NameField:
int crappy tr/td tags. Note how the tag is
deprecated and is just a style thing not a semantic tag. This behavior
is reflected in the currently available static scaffold, which pretty
much makes both of them not very impressive in my eyes.

– rails 2.0.2 or perhaps later version
(blog in 15minutes equivalent tutorial)

  • short version -----

Blog in 30s

You are root with password ‘’

rails -d mysql ruby_log
cd ruby_log
rake db:create
ruby script/generate scaffold Post title:string created_at:datetime
updated_at:datetime body:text
rake db:migrate
ruby script/server

The other stuff works as well, but really doesn’t change the semantics


Customize the view to your hearts content.

has_many, has_one, belongs_to

  • long version ------
    Before I start detailing commands and movie parts I would just like to
    point out that the movie seems to be aimed at the very beginner and some
    parts (I suspect) were deliberately shown as they were so as to not make
    the public feel like total strangers.

Let’s get it started.
If you don’t already installed then I “suggest” (it’s not a requirement)
you install cygwin, it will give you most of the useful linux commands,
if you wish you should be able to run the scripts as in the movie with
the ./ notation instead of calling ruby. Just a suggestion.

  • movie scene

how I did it/ commented out line

command line

  • creating a blog

we want a mysql database, so…

rails -d mysql ruby_log

see more commands by just typing “rails”

navigate to the root of your project

cd ruby_log

extra: something I always use when programs have logs.

First, open a cygwin window, navigate down

find your project root directory

Now use tail -f on the useful logs, for example

tail -f log/development.log

now you see all the SQL as it’s made

you can change to test etc depending on your needs

Go to and open ‘config/database.yml’

Insert your password in there.

execute the following to get a few useful files up

create the database:

rake db:create

create a schema file

if it’s empty then this is the first time you used

tried to make a project with this name, if not

the command failed (showed you squat, but check the log)

you’ve just dumped the old schema (tables & table structure)

rake db:schema:dump

Tip. You generally have a corresponding ‘destroy’ method for

any create/generate method you have, for example:

> rake db:drop

> ruby script/destroy model Post

  • he creates a Blog controller and shows you how to
  • use render :text => “something” or View to show things
  • he creates index.rhtml for the demonstration

I created a index.html.erb (.erb is the new convention for

rails files), it has to be ‘index’ btw, naming it ‘view’ etc

won’t work.

  • he demonstrates the ‘scaffold :post’ method

Skip. it’s useless, unnecessary etc

  • he then uses the scaffold generate directive to create a
  • scaffold.
  • ./script/generate scaffold Post Blog

that’s the do-thingy that just won’t work

I should note he makes note in a few places that scaffolding

is anything but rails and the misconception is widespread

I’ll continue through the commands at this point in time

// Migrations:

But first, a side note:

If you want to create a “model”, then don’t do it as he did it!

Use migrations!


ruby script/generate model User

just as a example. Go to db/migrations,

there should be only one there (insert things like this in there:

t.string :nick, :name, :type

^ this creates 3 columns (nick, name, type all of type string)

to create the database entry run

rake db:migrate

you can also create migrations by themselves

ruby script/generate migration AddSignature

go to 002_… in migrations and add something like this to .up

alter_table :users do |t|

t.text :signature


and to .down

drop_column :signature

Now migrate from v1 to v2

rake db:migrate

your users now have a new column: “signature”

if you migrate down, say go to v1

rake db:migrate VERSION=1

now column ‘signature’ doesn’t exist anymore

of course previous signature data has been lost also!

if you want to start with your databases empty, run

> rake db:migrate VERSION=0

if you want to wipe them out, presumably intending to

delete the project files as well, run:

> rake db:drop

we don’t want table “users” to complete the videos objective so do a:

ruby script/destroy model User
// End migration explanation

The old ‘scaffold’ entry was somewhat more flexible, it would

read the databases model of the specified table, and then

display them in the order the were in the database.

You could also modify the database and see changes live.

The new one is no longer live and you no longer specify an

existing method, instead it’s a macro for creating a:

Model, Migration (Model → Database thing), Controller & View

complete with comments and useful methods.

To create the do-post-thingy in the video write as follows:

ruby script/generate scaffold Post title:string created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime body:text

update database to latest version

rake db:migrate

start server

ruby script/server

wait for it to boot…

Go to http://localhost:3000/posts and check out this blog in 60s
(just think how fast you can copy/paste from here)

---- My newbie opinion –

I feel it’s unnecessary, I don’t hold any grudge since I’m used every
dev-thing kicking me in the balls at one point or another. It’s honestly
poor work and defect thinking. If it works and it isn’t hurting anybody,
don’t hurt the community by removing it. It’s honestly useless, a piece
of nothing, I think it’s over-praised and over-bashed, it’s not that
defective and not that important. It could have been dealt with as a
impassible error, a “won’t go production with it”, I’m sure other
elegant solutions also exist. Hiding it simply makes people want; people
who would have used it would know it’s useless.

I don’t really buy into Ron’s argument. If you are troubled inserting 20
or so fields, as key:value pairs then I, presented with this situation,
would have to consider the following: what is the significance/condition
of the fields that would result in such a large number, is it
outdated/deprecated/insignificant or simply easily generated data? can I
simplify, re-structure or back it up safely and deal with it later? Is
it end user form info?, in which case the question becomes: If I have
so much trouble inserting key:value (20 per table was it?) just what am
I asking my end users to do? (since they have to insert more complex

Steven G. Harms wrote:


I’ve read the (many) re-posts about problems around scaffolding in
Rails 2.0 and have followed a number of tutorials and fully understand
“how to scaffold” from a technical perspective, but I don’t
understand the mindset of how to use the new scaffolding. It seems
like a productivity- / agility- regress and I’m thinking I may have
failed to properly grok the new setup. In the interest of full
disclosure, I’m coming back to Rails after being in other toolkits for
about 9 months.

Thanks to the intrepid work of Sean L. at (
fairleads: Rails 2.0 and Scaffolding Step by Step
) I found a tutorial that would familiarize me with the raw “how to
scaffold” material.

I followed his tutorial’s step of:

``ruby script/generate scaffold Movie’’

Great! From that point I filled in the “columns” in the migration as I
had done in Rails 1.x. All I should need to do is run ``rake
db:migrate’’ and try adding a new record via the dynamically-created

When I started the server and navigated localhost:3000/movies I had
the “create new” button. When I pushed that button there were no text
widgets to enter despite having defined the columns that corresponded
to said widgets
having been added to the migration ( I have a lengthy
blog post about how my diagnostics went, for anyone else’s edification
at ). In short the scaffold that had
been created knew nothing of the columns I had added in the migration
and, as such, the ‘new’ view had no widgets.

This struck me as well, wrong. On Sean’s post another user confirms
the same experience. I have tried it with sqlite3 / mysql / postgres

Research showed that the scaffold had remained static relative to the
time that I had done the original aenemic invocation. Per ``script/
generate scaffold --help’':

./script/generate scaffold post` # no attributes, view will be anemic

To fix this I had to re-issue the script/generate command with all the
attributes in “final draft” mode ( ``script/generate scaffold movie
title:string text:description one_sheet_url:string’’ ) and then over-
write the old templates ( output stored below, for legibility, Fig.

The solution implies:

  • You have to get the script/generate command’s “attributes”
    arguments perfect at time of creation OR
  • You do this overwriting thing that I describe below.

As I recall Rails 1.x’s dynamic scaffolding allowed us to use a
scaffold flexibly strictly based on migrations and rake db:migrate.
This flexibility allowed us to “sketch” ideas very rapidly. Or is it
considered a “Good Thing” that you get a “perfected” ``generate
scaffold’’ command at some point? If so, what’s the reasoning? Am I
missing some sort of rake command that “refreshes” the scaffold

Based on the comments at Sean’s site and some of the questions in the
comments to DHH’s Rails 2. announcement I think there are others
grappling with this quandry as well. Can anyone help?


==Fig. 1==
bash-3.2$ script/generate scaffold movie title:string text:description
exists app/models/
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
exists app/views/movies
exists app/views/layouts/
exists test/functional/
exists test/unit/
overwrite app/views/movies/index.html.erb? (enter “h” for help)
[Ynaqdh] y
force app/views/movies/index.html.erb
overwrite app/views/movies/show.html.erb? (enter “h” for help)
[Ynaqdh] y
force app/views/movies/show.html.erb
overwrite app/views/movies/new.html.erb? (enter “h” for help) [Ynaqdh]
force app/views/movies/new.html.erb
overwrite app/views/movies/edit.html.erb? (enter “h” for help)
[Ynaqdh] y
force app/views/movies/edit.html.erb
identical app/views/layouts/movies.html.erb
identical public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
dependency model
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
identical app/models/movie.rb
identical test/unit/movie_test.rb
skip test/fixtures/movies.yml
exists db/migrate
Another migration is already named create_movies: db/migrate/

I don’t really buy into Ron’s argument. If you are troubled inserting 20
or so fields, as key:value pairs then I, presented with this situation,
would have to consider the following: what is the significance/condition
of the fields that would result in such a large number, is it
outdated/deprecated/insignificant or simply easily generated data? can I
simplify, re-structure or back it up safely and deal with it later? Is
it end user form info?, in which case the question becomes: If I have
so much trouble inserting key:value (20 per table was it?) just what am
I asking my end users to do? (since they have to insert more complex

If it were only 20 fields, I might have said the same. It was not –
he had 100+ tables of 20+ fields each – or 2000+ field:value pairs.
He specifically said that they were legacy tables, so all your
(perfectly valid) db design critique is beside the point. The users
already insert that complex data, or have already done so (if it’s a
decision support db, as I suspect.)

So, given those conditions, I stand by my position that a scaffolding
that introspects the table was the best answer. Too bad it was
eliminated from the Rails defaults without providing a clear path to
replace it.

Hi –

On Wed, 2 Jan 2008, Steven G. Harms wrote:

about 9 months.
I don’t think this is exactly the philosophical area you were asking
about, but my biggest problem with the new scaffolding is that it
reinforces the notion that a “resource” is a controller/model stack.
That, in turn, means that it discourages recognition of those cases
where a resource might involve something other than a one-to-one
correspondence between a controller and a model.

In REST, there’s nothing about the concept of “resource” that implies
database persistence, or persistence at all for that matter. Of
course, Rails is a database-centered technology, not an all-purpose
embodiment of every nuance of “resource”. Still, I think the
scaffolding presents too monogamous a picture of controller/model
relations, if I may put it that way. The result is that people worry
that if they do something in one controller that involves two models,
they’ve done something “unRESTful”. That’s a red herring.

Mind you, it can be extremely productive to think about CRUD
operations in the controller as a kind of tail-wagging-the-dog way (in
a good sense) of refining your modeling: that is, having a Borrowing
model and a borrowings controller with a create action, instead of a
users controller with a borrow_book action. But sometimes it’s not a
whole package; sometimes you might want the CRUD controller part
without a persistent model. Something has been making people have a
hard time thinking along those lines, or suspecting that there’s
something wrong with doing so; and while there’s probably no single
cause, my impression is that the new-style scaffolding has something
to do with it.


Upcoming Rails training from David A. Black and Ruby Power and Light:
ADVANCING WITH RAILS, April 14-17 2008, New York City
CORE RAILS, June 24-27 2008, London (Skills Matter)
See for details. Berlin dates coming soon!

On Feb 24, 8:55 pm, Michael S. [email protected] wrote:

I’ve spoken with a lot of people who are in the process of learning
Rails, and I believe the core team made a big mistake in removing the
basic scaffold and renaming scaffold_resource to scaffold.

Michael, to double on your $0.02…

I am a Rails newbie. I’ve touched lightly on various tutorials and
books on previous releases on Rails 2.0 before, and I came back to
Rails 2.0 to really really learn it this time. When I saw the REST
presentation by DHH I thought “hey, I don’t need it, I just want to
learn Rails”. The big changes in the scaffolding generator and other
bits have confused me at first, precisely because I didn’t take the
changes seriously.

However, as far as I could tell, Rails now makes it really hard to
deviate from RESTful approach, and that forces me, the newbie, to
stick to it. I don’t have skills to hack the way around REST, and that
makes my webapp restful. And that, I think, was the main point of
changes introduced in Rails 2.0.

The only thing I’m missing now is a few more tutorials, but once I got
a bit more familiar with the shining new Rails, Akita’s tutorial made
a lot more sense, and I was able to learn a lot from it.

Also, I’d like to say this again (and people have said it before in
this topic): we are using Rails to write code, are we not? And
learning about code, for me, is easiest when looking at actual code,
not some ‘scaffold’ line. Just looking at the default scaffold
generator’s code was a great learning experience. So, I suggest to all
newbies: forget the tutorials from Rails 1.x era, and stop fighting
the new RESTful design. RESTful design is so much simpler after you
grasp the basics, and you actually write code, which is, imvho much
more rewarding than all that magic and 15-minute app that doesn’t do
quite what you need.

Best regards,
